Don’t know your password?

Click here to Reset it

Know your password and want to set a new one?

Click here

Setup your MFA & Password

Setup here

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) Help & FAQ

Click Here

Secure Password Criteria

When you log in the first time, you will be prompted to change your password. You will need to periodically change your password.

All Passwords MUST:

  • Equal to or greater than 16 characters
  • Contain both upper case and lower-case letters, as well as numbers and special characters (#,$,% etc)
  • NOT contain any part of your first or last name or login name
  • NOT be set to any well-known or knowingly compromise password
  • NOT a previously used password

Setting good passwords

A good password is one that you can remember without having to write it down.
A good method of setting passwords is known as “Pass Phrases” where your password is set to a full sentence.

Good Examples:

  • Ienjoywalkingonthe5th!
  • That8thDuckLooked@Me

Bad Examples:

  • 123456789Qwerty!
  • Thisismypassword2020!

Password Expiry Notification

You will receive a password expiry notification with instructions to update your password 7 days, and 1 day before your password expires.

I know my password and want to set a new one

Click on the “Know your password and want to set a new one?” button above and then fill out this form:

screenshot change your password

I do not know my password

Click on the "Don’t know your password?” button above and then fill out this form:

screenshot get back to your account

Select “I forgot my password”

screenshot verification method

Select a verification method, then follow the steps as prompted.

Setting up Self-Service Password Reset and Multi-Factor Authentication

Self-Service Password Reset is automatically set up when you set up Multi-Factor Authentication. Information about setting up MFA can be found on our MFA page.

Issues logging in

If you are having issues logging in, for example, if you are unable to access or use the MFA method you are prompted for, please follow these steps:

  1. ​On the page where you are prompted for your MFA method, select the button that says "I can't use my Microsoft Authenticator app right now" (or similar).
  2. You will be shown a list of MFA methods that you have set up. Choose an alternate method that you have access to in order to complete logging in.​

If you do not have an alternate method set up, or are unable to access or use any of your alternate methods, please contact the IT Service Desk.​